
Rapid product development built on decades of national lab research

From the lab to the market

The Verne co-founders, Ted, David, and Bav, identified a problem in 2019: while there were many companies working on hydrogen production, no one was focusing on storage and transport. The middle of the hydrogen value chain was being overlooked.

Through their research they dove into decades of development led by Lawrence Livermore National Lab and BMW to develop a new, dense form of hydrogen storage: cryo-compression.

Cryo-compression had the ideal properties to move and store hydrogen cheaply: high-density without liquefaction.

With rapid product development techniques and the original experts from LLNL & BMW, Verne has been able to turbocharge the development of cryo-compression.

The team has already set world records and reached on-vehicle demonstrations in short time.

Verne team comes from X companies

Bringing innovation to scale

2020 - 2024
  • Founded Verne to solve the hydrogen storage problem
  • Received grant from Stanford University


  • Built first cryo-compressed hydrogen storage tank
  • Added original inventor of CcH2 to Verne team
  • Signed first major customer contract
  • Received grant funding from Breakthrough Energy, MIT, Caltech and National Science Foundation


  • Raised funding from Amazon, Caterpillar and Collaborative Fund
  • Received first LOIs from fleets for trucks with Verne storage system
  • Added industry leaders in hydrogen storage and cryogenics to the team
  • Signed collaboration agreement with leading hydrogen company
  • Received ARPA-E funding to develop densification technology


  • Set world record for CcH2 storage (3x previous record)
  • Completed on-vehicle demonstration with OEM
  • Signed contract with second OEM
  • Received Department of Energy grant


  • Received grant to develop and pilot first CcH2 truck
  • Raised funding from Trucks Venture Capital, United Airlines Ventures, and NextEra
  • Won grant from U.S. Army


How we partner

We are proud to be working with some of the most forward-thinking hydrogen suppliers, vehicle manufacturers, truck fleets, and other industry participants.

We welcome additional partners to our clean transportation.

Get in touch
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