Unlocking a hydrogen economy

The lowest cost way to store and move hydrogen

Solving the hydrogen storage problem

Verne’s unique hydrogen densification and storage technology breaks the cost vs. density trade-off, a game changer for hydrogen adoption

Hydrogen is critical for decarbonizing the most challenging sectors of the economy

Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier. It can carry electricity to off-grid locations, act as a high-density fuel for heavy transport, provide fast fueling for high-uptime vehicles, and serve several industrial processes, such as steel production and semi-conductor manufacturing.

The world has abundant clean hydrogen. Hydrogen exists naturally underground and can be tapped, just like the fossil fuels it will replace. Or, hydrogen can be made from renewable electricity and water.

These various hydrogen sources ensure that hydrogen will be a major part of our net zero economy. But the question remains: after we produce this hydrogen, how will we get it to where it’s needed?

Hydrogen density

Maximizing hydrogen density at low cost

There are currently two ways to store hydrogen: as a compressed gas or as a liquid. Both have challenges. Neither has meaningfully changed in decades.

Compressed hydrogen is low density. This means that it takes many truckloads to carry compressed hydrogen from a production location to an end user. It also limits the amount of hydrogen that can be stored onboard a vehicle, as hydrogen fuel.

Liquid hydrogen is higher density. However, it is expensive to liquefy hydrogen. Hydrogen becomes a liquid at -253 C. It takes large, expensive facilities and significant energy to reach these extremely cold temperatures.

That’s where Verne comes in. By storing hydrogen as a cold and compressed gas, “cryo-compressed,” Verne maximizes hydrogen density: solving the key challenge with compressed hydrogen. By storing hydrogen at an approachable -200 C, Verne reduces the cost of dense hydrogen: solving the key challenge with liquid hydrogen.

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